本系將於2024年3月9日舉辦「基督宗教與儒家對話:指導方針與展望」國際研討會(International Workshop “Christians Fostering Dialogue with Confucians: Guidelines and Prospects”),本次研討會與梵蒂岡宗教交談部(Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, DID)合辦,機會難得,歡迎各界踴躍報名參加!
International Workshop “Christians Fostering Dialogue with Confucians: Guidelines and Prospects”
主辦單位 | 輔仁大學宗教學系、輔仁大學「宗教地景、療癒與社會實踐」標竿計畫
合辦單位 | 梵蒂岡宗教交談部(Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, DID)
會議時間: 2024年03月09日(星期六)
舉辦地點: 輔仁大學倬章樓四樓聖保祿廳(DG410)
This international workshop on Christian-Confucian dialogue intends to bring together experts in Confucianism, already sharing ideas on Christian Confucian dialogue. In this meeting, they will finalize their work, providing a comprehensive guideline or manual for Christian-Confucian dialogue. The manual is expected to be a valuable resource for individuals, organizations, and communities in and outside of the Church to engage in dialogue with followers of Confucianism. It will further be proposed as the Dicastery Guidelines for Christian Confucian Dialogue.